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Welcome To ENN - Albert Goldman - Amongst The Dust

Albert Goldman - Amongst The Dust
By Bob Nelson

Greetings friends. 2005 proves to be quite a year for Elvis and his
 admirers. The television CBS mini-series and Elvis  by the Presley for
 example, inspire a wave of responses on many Elvis' tribute websites.
 This Canadian, once again, is inspired to a reflective mood and I am
 thinking about television, Elvis, you and I.  By the way, I am still
 opening boxes after my return from England last summer; loads of old
 letters and drawings I refuse to throw after 28 years. I still possess
 one of the first drawings of my hero, Elvis.  The date scribbled on
 the back indicates "78/11/15".

 Many of the long standing Elvis collectors visiting this site may
 recall,  author, critic, the late Albert Goldman, who died of a heart
 attack on March 28, 1994 at age 66. For our young readership; Albert
 Goldman received acclaim for his biography of the late, celebrated,
 comedian,  Lenny Bruce, then made headlines with controversial
 best-sellers about Elvis and John Lennon.
 Excerpts of his book, "ELVIS", was published in one of our local
 newspapers here in London, Canada in 1982. That year I was 19 years
 old and I read these excerpts in our local newspaper from his book and
 felt compelled to send the following letter to his mailing address in
 New York.  After I posted the letter, my dear friend,  Mrs. Doreen
 Oldroyd, president of the Elvis-Till We Meet Again Fan Club, of Sault
 Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada (closed years ago I believe)  wrote a 
 letter to me at the time and kindly suggested that Mr. Goldman would
 not likely respond to my letter or perhaps flatly avoid his mail box
 after the massive response to his biography from Elvis's fans. (Her
 prediction proved correct: he never responded to my letter).   I was
 an opinionated Elvis fan (some things have not changed to this day I am
 afraid)  so I asked one of my former high school teachers and dear
 friend,  to review and correct my grammar and after I looked over my
 letter one more time, sealed the envelope, pasted on my 1st Class
 Stamp to the U.S.A. (35 cents Canadian in 1982) and off it traveled to
 Mr. Goldman's mailbox in New York City.

 While I am doing some honest research for a change (smile) to compile
 my article to commemorate Elvis' 70th birthday for ENN (there have
 been so many opinions published on websites this year - I suppose one
 more wouldn't hurt).  I thought you might  like to read this old
 letter of mine, warts, blemishes, old acne (?) and all..  I discovered
 it again recently not having seen this in over twenty years. Yes, it
 raised a smile and a chuckle; in fact, I recall secretly incorporating
 three words to one of Elvis' songs in this letter. Why would I think
 Mr. Goldman would identify with an Elvis song? Perhaps, looking back,
 this letter is a small example of my inflated ego at the time. Well,
 for the fun of trivia does anyone recognize the words? Do you recall
 the song?
 I wanted to present it as my round-of-the-mill tribute to all of you;
 Elvis' admirers. Thanks again friends for the privilege of your kind
 consideration for posting my writings to this website.
 Happy reading, viewing, and listening to our number one entertainer. 
 Read you all again soon.

 "April 24, 1982: Dear Mr. Goldman:
 I am writing this letter in reference to your book called "ELVIS".
 Also, I would like to comment on an interview that was published in
 People Weekly Magazine. (Dated: January 18, 1982)
 I compared your book to other books written about Elvis Presley and I
 feel your book has nothing new to offer about Elvis' life.
 I am not overly concerned about what facts or details are in the book.
 What concerns me is how the general public is going to receive and
 understand what you have written.
 What was your main purpose for writing the book?
 I think Elvis' life and death is very much a part of our own lives;
 therefore, it should be looked upon as a lesson to all of us.
 As you well know, through the years the general public has always
 looked for a source to find many answers.
 After reading your book I got the impression that you were glorifying
 the concerning Elvis' drugs and generally placing a bad mark on Elvis'
 The general public may look at your book as the one source to finding
 the answers about Elvis. Surely through your book there is no possible
 way the  people could view Elvis Presley as a lesson to themselves.
 The book creates a negative feeling toward Elvis which he certainly
 doesn't deserve at all.
 I was also concerned about an interview published in People Weekly
 Magazine. I read the article and was quite disturbed about one
 statement you made concerning the Elvis fans. I quote you as saying,
 "The annual mourning marking Elvis' death is carried on by sad,
 woebegone folk, who have nothing better to do."  I don't consider
 myself as an expert writer. Please tell me what qualifies you to the
 level from which you can criticize the work of other people. I don't
 find any fault with preserving the memory of Elvis' name through
 different forms of charitable activities. Many people who have
 criticized Elvis in the past and continue to do so tend to over look
 this very important factor.
 Maybe those critics should concentrate their energies on writing
 material about our future. Leave the job of preserving the memories of
 Elvis Presley, good and bad, to his many admirers who continue to work
 for the good of all people in the future.
 Believe me, Mr. Goldman, there is sufficient proof of this if you take
 more time to stop, look and listen.
 Yours truly,  Robert Nelson"

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