by Donna
I am a new fan in the Elvis world. New, that is, compared to many that I’ve met over the past year. During this period, I have spent much of my time
researching anything and everything Elvis related. When the “Elvis phenomenon” hit me hard back in August of 2002, I felt the need to learn as much as I could about him and as quickly as I could in order to make up for lost time. I
also realized that I am the next generation Elvis fan and as such, it is important for me to do the work in order to uphold my responsibility of helping to keep his memory alive. As any Elvis fan knows, this is of the utmost
importance. I happily accept this duty but must ask the gracious help of those who have come before me.
As life carries those of you from the 1st generation forward, it is your duty to pass your Elvis knowledge, memories and experiences on to the
generations following. Take a new fan under your wing and give them the benefit of your experience. This is a must, especially for those who knew him personally. Tell the stories of meeting Elvis, of relations with Elvis, of what
Elvis means to you. Don’t hold them back…talk about what makes him so special, exceptional, precious. Write them down to share with family members and friends to ensure that they will not be forgotten or lost. Do the work and pass
it on. Please help to keep his memory alive forever.
For all Elvis has given and continues to give you…think of it as your responsibility…for future Elvis fans. Doesn’t he deserve this from all of us? Trust
me, us “newer” Elvis fans want to hear it ALL!! We want every little precious detail!! We live vicariously through you. Many of us have never had our own experiences with “the man” himself and obviously never will. We need your
input desperately so please don’t hold back, help us. We were not given the gift of knowing him as anything more than the two-dimensional image we see on a television screen. Unfortunately, the future generation Elvis fans will
never know him as anything more than that. This is a very sad painful fact to have to face and make peace with. I can speak from my own experience though, when I say that being welcomed into the “Elvis family” (by other fans and
especially those who knew Elvis in some way) with warmth, love, acceptance and the willingness to share, makes me feel less like an outsider and more like I do have a place in the very big Elvis family tree. It makes me feel like I
have some importance, even now, so many years after his passing. By sharing your experiences and stories, you help to add that extra dimension that I need to help bring Elvis to life. It helps me to feel closer to him and enables me
to take him deep within my heart and soul and hold him there. I know now that this will be a part of my being forever-I am in this for life.
In conclusion, I have to extend a great, big heartfelt thank you to those of you who have helped me and continue to help me along my Elvis journey. Thank
you for answering my endless questions and for sharing your priceless memories and your passion for Elvis. Because of you, I feel confident that I can now take the Presley name and hand it down to the future fans with honor, pride
and assurance that I am doing my part in Elvis’ name and that his legend will live on. I’m doing it in memory of Elvis. Can you and will you do the same?